How have antibiotics suddenly become a “threat to humanity”?
DottoreLondon’s own Dr. Olivia De Graaf shares her thoughts. We’d love to hear your opinions and experiences.
Stay tuned, stay informed, stay healthy –
*DISCLAIMER – The information included in this video is not medical advice and is not intended to replace the considered judgment of a licensed physician with respect to particular patients, procedures, or practices.
Antibiotics don't look like candy for a reason!
How have antibiotics suddenly become a 'threat to humanity'?DottoreLondon’s own Dr. De Graaf shares her thoughts. We’d love to hear your opinions and experiences, please comment, share and tag a friend who needs to see this!Stay tuned, stay informed, stay healthy –*DISCLAIMER – The information included in this video is not medical advice and is not intended to replace the considered judgment of a licensed physician with respect to particular patients, procedures, or practices.
Posted by DottoreLondon on Tuesday, 13 March 2018
Nell’aprile 2014, l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità ha pubblicato un allarmante report globale sullo stato attuale della resistenza batterica agli antibiotici, divenuta negli ultimi anni un vero e proprio proprio problema di sanità pubblica a livello globale.
L’abuso di antibiotici ha creato ceppi di batteri resistenti al trattamento, portando così infezioni comuni, curate efficacemente da decenni, a essere nuovamente letali per i soggetti che hanno, appunto, sviluppato la resistenza.
(di seguito un video tratto dalla trasmissione televisiva Report)