Aug 18 18

A big idea that helped a small community

Cristina Carducci

Four years ago, Giorgia Bacco founded Dottore London, a business that provides gynaecological and paediatric services to the capital’s Italian community. This is the story of how she turned an unique idea into a business with a compelling cultural and social purpose.

After Giorgia had completed her MA International Marketing Communications at London Metropolitan University, she met a group of Italian dentists working in London whose patients were mostly Italian. This inspired her to provide a solution to a unique challenge facing women in the Italian community.

“I thought it would be great if there was an Italian gynaecologist in London because the Italian approach is completely different [to the British approach]. Italian women go to the gynaecologist at least once a year and when they’re pregnant they go once a month. In the UK, they tend to go only when they have a problem.”

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Oct 31 16

Mal di gola, bambini ed abuso di antibiotici, scopriamo cosa sono i test rapidi

Cristina Carducci

Nell’aprile 2014, l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità ha pubblicato un allarmante report globale sullo stato attuale della resistenza batterica agli antibiotici, divenuta negli ultimi anni un vero e proprio proprio problema di sanità pubblica a livello globale.

L’abuso di antibiotici ha creato ceppi di batteri resistenti al trattamento, portando così infezioni comuni, curate efficacemente da decenni, a essere nuovamente letali per i soggetti che hanno, appunto, sviluppato la resistenza.

(di seguito un video tratto dalla trasmissione televisiva Report)
