Mr Pierluigi Cuomo is a Consultant orthopaedic surgeon in London.
Work experience in Italy
After obtaining the Medical Degree at the University of Florence in 1999, he was a resident in Orthopaedics and Traumatology at the University of Florence. From 2007 to 2019 he has been a Consultant in Orthopaedics and Traumatology at the Department of Orthopaedic Oncology and Reconstructive Surgery of the Careggi University Hospital in Florence.
Work experience in UK
After completing the residency in Orthopaedics he attended the Imperial College of London as research fellow and he obtained a PhD in biomechanics.
In 2019 he moved again to the UK and he worked as locum Consultant at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore, London for fifteen months.
Currently he is Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Department of Bioengineering of the Imperial College.
Mr Cuomo is expert in open and arthroscopic knee surgery, joint replacement and orthopaedic oncology.
Italian and English.
Insurance companies
WPA, Cigna and Bupa Global approved doctor.
In summary:
Dr. Pieluigi Cuomo is an Italian orthopedist in London.