Katia Ciccarella is a Midwife and Lactation Consultant IBCLC with over 14 years of experience, with specialisations in pre and post natal care, infant feeding and breastfeeding support gained in Italy and UK. She is also a certified pre and postnatal fitness and infant massage instructor.
Work experience in Italy
Katia Graduated in Midwifery in 2004 at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. She then gained her experience working 5 years in Italy (Prato – Tuscany, and Rome) in the antenatal and postnatal ward, triage and cardiotocography outpatients and the community clinics.
Work experience in UK
She moved to the UK in 2010, first at Whipps Cross Hospital in East London, mainly in the Labour Ward, before moving to St Thomas’ Hospital in Central London, in Labour Ward, Postnatal Ward – where she was also a coordinator – Private Maternity Suite and High Risk Midwifery team, specialising in looking after diabetic patients
Katia currently works at King’s College Hospital, as the Tongue Tie Clinic coordinator, providing support with diagnosis and treatment of short lingual frenulum, which in some babies, can create problems with breastfeeding. Katia is a member of the Nursing and Midwifery Council, Royal College of Nursing, the International Lactation Consultant Association, the Lactation Consultants of Great Britain and the International Association of Infant Massage.
With her extensive experience with the English care system, Katia provides consultations and extra support to guide foreign patients through all the aspects of the NHS midwifery care in the UK, including birth options, discussion of tailored birth plans and post-natal support plans according to maternal needs and preferences and birth and preparation classes. In addition, Katia provides support on the various options around infant feeding, including breastfeeding and introduction to solid foods.
Italian and English
In summary:
Katia Ciccarella is an Italian Midwife and Lactation Consultant in London.